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More thanks to Loftin

Our grandson, Loftin Alan Propst, tells me I should be "blogging"---and frequently. Hmmm. Sounds daunting. But here goes:

The big news IS that Loftin has gone online and enhanced the capabilities of this website, one which he so brilliantly set up for me last year. He tells me by simply typing my name, readers get to this place. I don't understand, but I do trust everything Loftin tells me.

Soooooo, I will scribble a few thoughts, at very least, to honor his request and to discover if anyone is actually reading my blogs!

This was a special weekend. First of all, Loftin's younger brother, Emmett James Propst, and I enjoyed "Elf the Musical" at City Springs Theatre. Starring Shuler Hensley as ELF, it was delightful! My grandson was awed by the gorgeous new theater in the heart of Sandy Springs. There's nothing more uplifting than watching a young person appreciate a marvelous stage show!

The next day, I attended Mercer University Press's annual Author's Luncheon, where I got to chat with a number of people about whom I care deeply. Plus, Rick Bragg delivered one of the best author's speeches I've ever heard!

On Sunday evening, Jamey and I took our son, William, his wife Abigail, and Loftin and Emmett downtown to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for the 6th Annual performance of Christmas on the Hill. Singers included the Atlanta Homeward Woman's and Men's Choirs. Their rendition of "Go Tell It on the Mountain" brought the tearful, clapping, cheering audience to its feet offering wild applause. My Christmas was made.

Then Emmett said, "MyMy, my coral group is singing this song at our concert." Be still my heart.

Loftin's right, I do need to blog. Now let's see if anyone reads this!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. With love, Milam

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