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December Delights

The holidays have gotten off to a lovely start for us. First of all, Jamey and I so enjoyed Theatrical Outfit's lovely production of "Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley." We recommend it highly as did the Atlanta Journal Constitution critic, who referred to the play as "a new classic."

Yesterday at the Mercer University Press Author's Luncheon, I got to hear President Carter share stories from his beautiful new book about woodworking, "The Craftmanship of Jimmy Carter." The President singled out our publisher, Marc Jolley, for his expert editing. How well we Mercer writers know!

Afterwards, at the suggestion of fellow author and movie critic, Jackie Cooper, Jamey and I saw the film, "The Man Who Invented Christmas." We both loved this fictionalized story of Charles Dickens and his writing of "A Christmas Carol."

Certainly, on a roll, we're off to Immaculate Conception to hear the choir from the I.C. Homeless Shelter. *The year before last, these men preformed at The White House! This year the choir director, Donal Noonan, is introducing a new group of lady songstresses, all of whom will sing along with the regular church choir in a grand finale of the Christmas concert.

Now, if only Marist can beat Blessed Trinity High School for the state football championship next weekend everything will be well with us!

Oh, and Roll Tide Roll! Merry Christmas to everyone. Milam

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